
weekly thoughts on prayer: 13.12.2009

But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.
1 Peter 4:7.

Whatever needs to change would respond to the power of prayer. Prayer is the spiritual injection that a sick situation needs because it is a conveyer of the divine life. Prayer is the extra hand you need to do your work effectively. Prayer is the divine input to your activities causing your life to be fruitful and profitable.

To neglect to pray is to neglect to breath – you start to die. Prayer is the gate to Wisdom and the gate of Wisdom. Prayer needs your attention, your decision, your commitment and your doggedness. A man of prayer always has sweet sleeps, laughs at difficulties and sees possibilities where others see defeat. This is because he sees from the eyes of God and is not easily moved by situations and circumstances.

In prayer, you introduce God to the affairs of your life and you reproduce the atmosphere of heaven on the earth. As the soul links up to God, the gulf of time and space is bridged and through that, your hand can reach farther and further than previously, to correct things and direct events present and future positively.

To use the mouth in praying is to make it less available for gossip, abusive words and faithless utterances. The mouth heavily involved in praying will be fully equipped to carry the messages of God to other men and even to the realm of darkness. 

The spirit is calling more and more people to pray - to become spiritual beacons - in there various geographical locations around the globe. As you pray, a light emanates from you driving demons away in their hordes and drawing divine presence to you. Will you heed to the call?

Further reading: Luke 9:28-29, Colossians 4:2-6 and James 5:16-18.     