
weekly thoughts on prayer: 14.03.2010

To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isaiah 8:20.

Since prayer is in essence communication with God, words are our ready tool. This week, we deal with the use of understandable words in prayer. (Put in mind that I believe that most praying should be done in tongues). 

Traditionally, most people are acquitted with rote praying: repeating words that someone is saying or someone has said. This removes from the freshness that we need in our individual intimacy with God in prayer. 

We need to realize that God wants us to express ourselves freely to him as his children unhindered by fear or any iota of self mortification. Regardless of this, there will not be respect for your words if they are not informed by scriptures. This is because truth is found in God’s word and God is attracted to truth and is opposed to falsehood.

We are not just to open our mouth and speak without bible backing. Your prayer should be in agreement with God and his spirit. The word of God is the sword of the spirit, not what you think up out of sync with divine prerogative. 

Grow up. Begin to use God’s word and what the Holy Spirit himself inspires as your words in prayer. Follow the Spirit’s lead.

Further reading: Matthew 4:4, Psalm 119:105 and John 17:17