
weekly thoughts on prayer: 17.01.2010

It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows; for so He gives His beloved sleep. Psalms 127:2


Do you sleep well? Are your dreams palatable or are you experiencing oppression in your dreams. This is against the word of God. To be complaining of insomnia and to always wake up tired rather than refreshed is never God’s plan for you.


If any of the above happens to you, there is something you can do about it. Engage the promise of God in the place of prayer and take authority over your sleep pattern to make it serve you and not be a hindrance to you. Shut up the gate of your dream from any access of Satan and his cohorts.


God wants to give you information by way of dreams, warnings, direction, and affirmation. But whatever is revealed still needs to be processed in the place of prayer. If warning, to pray preemptive prayer; if promise, to pray for fulfillment; and if direction, to pray for further confirmation. You can’t just run on a tangent because of an indiscrete dream.


Worry disrupts your sleep. You cannot rest outwardly if you are not resting inwardly. Leave everything in the hands of God, as you pray, so that you can lay hold of the promised sweet sleep.


Further reading: Proverbs 3:24, Philippians 4:6 and Luke 10:19.

